Annual performance reviews are dead – or they should be. So it’s time to embrace a more continuous, collaborative and constructive approach. It’s time to have great performance conversations at work.

If engagement is the beating heart of all we do at Zensai, then performance is what that heart helps to power. And we’re tired of seeing the age-old annual review being the main tool of performance management.

And it looks like we’re not alone. Did you know:

  • 83% of employees want more feedback than they’re currently getting.
  • 55% of GEN Z employees would like weekly performance feedback from their managers.
  • 77% of employees think performance reviews are ineffective and also do not help them develop.
  • 95% of HR leaders expressed feeling unhappy with traditional performance reviews.
  • 28% of employees started looking for another job after receiving their performance review

Performance reviews simply aren’t working in the way that we want them to. Surely there has to be a better way? There is and we’re reframing the conversation.

Explore Perform365

We’re making reviews, 1:1s, probation evaluations and the rest smarter, more effective and way more efficient. By introducing a more regular performance meeting, that’s two-way, based on real-world data (instead of best guesses) and highly collaborative, you’re going to be ramping up performance across your teams in no time.

In fact, if you’re not yet using performance conversations at work in Perform365 (or you are but fancy a refresh) then this is the webinar for you.

In it we cover:

  • What exactly a performance conversation is
  • Why the annual review will simply not cut it
  • Some best practice tips for moving from reviews to conversations
  • How to run a near fully automated, evidence-based, simple performance conversation in Perform365 (formerly Weekly10)
  • Q&A

So, what’re you waiting for? Jump straight into our (slightly old branded) webinar about how to Optimize Company Success through Performance Management in Microsoft Teams

Transform team performance—Download your guide to having better performance conversations

Great performance conversations are the foundation of growth and success for any team. Learn how to have better, more effective performance conversations with your teams.

Download your free eBook below to begin conducting performance conversations that truly make a difference!