Waiting list and sessions

Being flexible is crucial as the circumstances of classroom course can change very quickly. People can unenroll from the course last minute or a new room with more space might become available, making it possible to fit in more people. The new waiting list can provide this flexibility. With the latest release of the LMS365 solution you can give your learners the chance to sign up to courses even though they are full. When people sign up to a full course, they will automatically be enrolled if a place becomes vacant. Furthermore, the course administrator can manually add people even though it exceeds the max attendees.

Microsoft Teams integration improvements

The LMS365 integration for Microsoft Teams continues to improve. In v3.4 the course catalog has been added, which means that you not only are able to browse your own dashboard, but the entire course catalog as well, directly from Microsoft Teams. Furthermore, the LMS365 integration now has a completely new modern look and feel!

Microsoft Teams integration improvements general
Microsoft Teams integration improvements course

Migration tool – Classic to modern view

It has now become easier to improve your LMS365 with a visual upgrade. With the new migration tool, it has been made very easy to update your current LMS365 environment to the new page experience for modern SharePoint. With just a few clicks, the migration tool will do the whole update for you.

If you want to try out all the new features of LMS365 3.4 simply  click here to start your free trial today.

Classic to modern view